Las apuestas por diferencias y los CFD son instrumentos complejos y conllevan un alto riesgo de perder dinero rápidamente debido al apalancamiento.La gran mayoría de las cuentas de clientes minoristas pierden dinero cuando operan con CFDs.Debe considerar si puede permitirse asumir el alto riesgo de perder su dinero.
Cuando abre una cuenta de trading en línea con ATFX, tiene la oportunidad de hacer trading con una amplia gama de productos financieros. Con nuestra cuenta, además de acceso a los mercados, también recibirá herramientas innovadoras, formación de alto nivel y un galardonado servicio de atención al cliente.
Los spreads que paga son muy competitivos. No hay comisiones ni cargos ocultos. Ejecutará sus operaciones a través de la plataforma de trading MT4, que es considerada como una de las mejores plataformas de trading del mercado.
Experimente el tipo de ejecución STP cuando opere con pares de divisas a través de la plataforma MT4 y su cuenta ATFX. Este proceso directo garantiza que la latencia se mantenga baja. Sus operaciones se dirigen directamente al mercado lo antes posible sin ninguna interferencia del bróker.
La cuenta de trading ATFX es adecuada para todos los niveles. Su experiencia no importa porque, cuando su cuenta se combina con MT4, esta puede ser tan simple o sofisticada como necesite.
Cuando opera con CFD (contratos por diferencia), adquiere la diferencia de precio entre el precio cuando se abre el contrato y cuando este se cierra. Puede negociar CFD con un margen reducido y puede aplicar un mayor apalancamiento en sus operaciones con CFD.
Name | Market | Product | Minimum Spreads | Lots Size (Min/Max) | Contract Size | Pip Value/Lot | Currency | Leverage(Margin) | Swaps | Trading Hours* (Mon) | Trading Hours* (Tue-Thu) | Trading Hours* (Fri) |
Euro/US Dollar | Forex Majors | EURUSD | 2.6 | 0.01/30 | 100,000 EUR | 10 USD | N/A | 250 USD | Refer to Trading Platform | 00:05-23:59 | 00:01-23:59 | 00:01-23:55 |
US Dollar/Japanese Yen | Forex Majors | USDJPY | 2.8 | 0.01/30 | 100,000 USD | 1000 JPY | N/A | 250 USD | Refer to Trading Platform | 00:05-23:59 | 00:01-23:59 | 00:01-23:55 |
Great British Pound/US Dollar | Forex Majors | GBPUSD | 2.8 | 0.01/30 | 100,000 GBP | 10 USD | N/A | 250 USD | Refer to Trading Platform | 00:05-23:59 | 00:01-23:59 | 00:01-23:55 |
US Dollar/Swiss Franc | Forex Majors | USDCHF | 3.0 | 0.01/30 | 100,000 USD | 10 CHF | N/A | 250 USD | Refer to Trading Platform | 00:05-23:59 | 00:01-23:59 | 00:01-23:55 |
Australian Dollar/US Dollar | Forex Majors | AUDUSD | 3.3 | 0.01/30 | 100,000 AUD | 10 USD | N/A | 250 USD | Refer to Trading Platform | 00:05-23:59 | 00:01-23:59 | 00:01-23:55 |
New Zealand Dollar/US Dollar | Forex Majors | NZDUSD | 3.3 | 0.01/30 | 100,000 NZD | 10 USD | N/A | 250 USD | Refer to Trading Platform | 00:05-23:59 | 00:01-23:59 | 00:01-23:55 |
US Dollar/Canadian Dollar | Forex Majors | USDCAD | 3.3 | 0.01/30 | 100,000 USD | 10 CAD | N/A | 250 USD | Refer to Trading Platform | 00:05-23:59 | 00:01-23:59 | 00:01-23:55 |
Australian Dollar/Canadian Dollar | Forex Minors | AUDCAD | 3.8 | 0.01/30 | 100,000 AUD | 10 CAD | N/A | 250 USD | Refer to Trading Platform | 00:05-23:59 | 00:01-23:59 | 00:01-23:55 |
Australian Dollar/Swiss Franc | Forex Minors | AUDCHF | 3.8 | 0.01/30 | 100,000 AUD | 10 CHF | N/A | 250 USD | Refer to Trading Platform | 00:05-23:59 | 00:01-23:59 | 00:01-23:55 |
Australian Dollar/Japanese Yen | Forex Minors | AUDJPY | 3.8 | 0.01/30 | 100,000 AUD | 1000 JPY | N/A | 250 USD | Refer to Trading Platform | 00:05-23:59 | 00:01-23:59 | 00:01-23:55 |
Australian Dollar/New Zealand Dollar | Forex Minors | AUDNZD | 3.8 | 0.01/30 | 100,000 AUD | 10 NZD | N/A | 250 USD | Refer to Trading Platform | 00:05-23:59 | 00:01-23:59 | 00:01-23:55 |
Canadian Dollar/Swiss Franc | Forex Minors | CADCHF | 4.0 | 0.01/30 | 100,000 CAD | 10 CHF | N/A | 250 USD | Refer to Trading Platform | 00:05-23:59 | 00:01-23:59 | 00:01-23:55 |
Canadian Dollar/Japanese Yen | Forex Minors | CADJPY | 4.0 | 0.01/30 | 100,000 CAD | 1000 JPY | N/A | 250 USD | Refer to Trading Platform | 00:05-23:59 | 00:01-23:59 | 00:01-23:55 |
Swiss Franc/Japanese Yen | Forex Minors | CHFJPY | 4.0 | 0.01/30 | 100,000 CHF | 1000 JPY | N/A | 250 USD | Refer to Trading Platform | 00:05-23:59 | 00:01-23:59 | 00:01-23:55 |
Euro/Australian Dollar | Forex Minors | EURAUD | 4.1 | 0.01/30 | 100,000 EUR | 10 AUD | N/A | 250 USD | Refer to Trading Platform | 00:05-23:59 | 00:01-23:59 | 00:01-23:55 |
Euro/Canadian Dollar | Forex Minors | EURCAD | 4.1 | 0.01/30 | 100,000 EUR | 10 CAD | N/A | 250 USD | Refer to Trading Platform | 00:05-23:59 | 00:01-23:59 | 00:01-23:55 |
Euro/Swiss Franc | Forex Minors | EURCHF | 4.0 | 0.01/30 | 100,000 EUR | 10 CHF | N/A | 250 USD | Refer to Trading Platform | 00:05-23:59 | 00:01-23:59 | 00:01-23:55 |
Euro/Great British Pound | Forex Minors | EURGBP | 3.8 | 0.01/30 | 100,000 EUR | 10 GBP | N/A | 250 USD | Refer to Trading Platform | 00:05-23:59 | 00:01-23:59 | 00:01-23:55 |
Euro/Japanese Yen | Forex Minors | EURJPY | 4.0 | 0.01/30 | 100,000 EUR | 1000 JPY | N/A | 250 USD | Refer to Trading Platform | 00:05-23:59 | 00:01-23:59 | 00:01-23:55 |
Euro/New Zealand Dollar | Forex Minors | EURNZD | 4.3 | 0.01/30 | 100,000 EUR | 10 NZD | N/A | 250 USD | Refer to Trading Platform | 00:05-23:59 | 00:01-23:59 | 00:01-23:55 |
Great British Pound/Australian Dollar | Forex Minors | GBPAUD | 4.3 | 0.01/30 | 100,000 GBP | 10 AUD | N/A | 250 USD | Refer to Trading Platform | 00:05-23:59 | 00:01-23:59 | 00:01-23:55 |
Great British Pound/Canadian Dollar | Forex Minors | GBPCAD | 4.6 | 0.01/30 | 100,000 GBP | 10 CAD | N/A | 250 USD | Refer to Trading Platform | 00:05-23:59 | 00:01-23:59 | 00:01-23:55 |
Great British Pound/Swiss Franc | Forex Minors | GBPCHF | 4.3 | 0.01/30 | 100,000 GBP | 10 CHF | N/A | 250 USD | Refer to Trading Platform | 00:05-23:59 | 00:01-23:59 | 00:01-23:55 |
Great British Pound/Japanese Yen | Forex Minors | GBPJPY | 4.3 | 0.01/30 | 100,000 GBP | 1000 JPY | N/A | 250 USD | Refer to Trading Platform | 00:05-23:59 | 00:01-23:59 | 00:01-23:55 |
Great British Pound/New Zealand Dollar | Forex Minors | GBPNZD | 4.6 | 0.01/30 | 100,000 GBP | 10 NZD | N/A | 250 USD | Refer to Trading Platform | 00:05-23:59 | 00:01-23:59 | 00:01-23:55 |
New Zealand Dollar/Canadian Dollar | Forex Minors | NZDCAD | 3.8 | 0.01/30 | 100,000 NZD | 10 CAD | N/A | 250 USD | Refer to Trading Platform | 00:05-23:59 | 00:01-23:59 | 00:01-23:55 |
New Zealand Dollar/Swiss Franc | Forex Minors | NZDCHF | 4.0 | 0.01/30 | 100,000 NZD | 10 CHF | N/A | 250 USD | Refer to Trading Platform | 00:05-23:59 | 00:01-23:59 | 00:01-23:55 |
New Zealand Dollar/Japanese Yen | Forex Minors | NZDJPY | 3.8 | 0.01/30 | 100,000 NZD | 1000 JPY | N/A | 250 USD | Refer to Trading Platform | 00:05-23:59 | 00:01-23:59 | 00:01-23:55 |
Euro/Hungarian Forint | Forex Exotics | EURHUF | 26.0 | 0.01/30 | 100,000 EUR | 1000 HUF | N/A | 2000 EUR | Refer to Trading Platform | 00:05-23:59 | 00:01-23:59 | 00:01-23:55 |
Euro/Polish Zloty | Forex Exotics | EURPLN | 33.0 | 0.01/30 | 100,000 EUR | 10 PLN | N/A | 2000 EUR | Refer to Trading Platform | 00:05-23:59 | 00:01-23:59 | 00:01-23:55 |
US Dollar/Chinese Offshore Yuan | Forex Exotics | USDCNH | 28.0 | 0.01/30 | 100,000 USD | 10 CNH | N/A | 2000 USD | Refer to Trading Platform | 00:05-23:59 | 00:01-23:59 | 00:01-23:55 |
US Dollar/Hong Kong Dollar | Forex Exotics | USDHKD | 28.0 | 0.01/30 | 100,000 USD | 10 HKD | N/A | 2000 USD | Refer to Trading Platform | 00:05-23:59 | 00:01-23:59 | 00:01-23:55 |
US Dollar/Singapore Dollar | Forex Exotics | USDSGD | 28.0 | 0.01/30 | 100,000 USD | 10 SGD | N/A | 2000 USD | Refer to Trading Platform | 00:05-23:59 | 00:01-23:59 | 00:01-23:55 |
US Dollar/Czech Koruna | Forex Exotics | USDCZK | 208.0 | 0.01/30 | 100,000 USD | 1000 CZK | N/A | 2000 USD | Refer to Trading Platform | 00:05-23:59 | 00:01-23:59 | 00:01-23:55 |
US Dollar/Danish Krone | Forex Exotics | USDDKK | 26.0 | 0.01/30 | 100,000 USD | 10 DKK | N/A | 2000 USD | Refer to Trading Platform | 00:05-23:59 | 00:01-23:59 | 00:01-23:55 |
US Dollar/Hungarian Forint | Forex Exotics | USDHUF | 23.0 | 0.01/30 | 100,000 USD | 1000 HUF | N/A | 2000 USD | Refer to Trading Platform | 00:05-23:59 | 00:01-23:59 | 00:01-23:55 |
US Dollar/Mexican Peso | Forex Exotics | USDMXN | 58.0 | 0.01/30 | 100,000 USD | 10 MXN | N/A | 2000 USD | Refer to Trading Platform | 00:05-23:59 | 00:01-23:59 | 00:01-23:55 |
US Dollar/Norwegian Krone | Forex Exotics | USDNOK | 43.0 | 0.01/30 | 100,000 USD | 10 NOK | N/A | 2000 USD | Refer to Trading Platform | 00:05-23:59 | 00:01-23:59 | 00:01-23:55 |
US Dollar/Polish Zloty | Forex Exotics | USDPLN | 23.0 | 0.01/30 | 100,000 USD | 10 PLN | N/A | 2000 USD | Refer to Trading Platform | 00:05-23:59 | 00:01-23:59 | 00:01-23:55 |
US Dollar/Turkish Lira (Disabled) | Forex Exotics | USDTRY | 28.0 | 0.01/30 | 100,000 USD | 10 TRY | N/A | 2000 USD | Refer to Trading Platform | 00:05-23:59 | 00:01-23:59 | 00:01-23:55 |
US Dollar/Swedish Krone | Forex Exotics | USDSEK | 31.0 | 0.01/30 | 100,000 USD | 10 SEK | N/A | 2000 USD | Refer to Trading Platform | 00:05-23:59 | 00:01-23:59 | 00:01-23:55 |
US Dollar/South Africa Rand | Forex Exotics | USDZAR | 39.0 | 0.01/30 | 100,000 USD | 10 ZAR | N/A | 2000 USD | Refer to Trading Platform | 00:05-23:59 | 00:01-23:59 | 00:01-23:55 |
Spot Gold/US Dollar | Metals | XAUUSD | 6.0 | 0.01/30 | 100 Once | 10 USD | USD | 250 USD | Refer to Trading Platform | 01:01-23:59 | 01:01-23:59 | 01:01-23:55 |
Spot Gold/Euro | Metals | XAUEUR | 6.0 | 0.01/30 | 100 Once | 10 EUR | EUR | 250 EUR | Refer to Trading Platform | 01:01-23:59 | 01:01-23:59 | 01:01-23:55 |
Spot Gold/Australian Dollar | Metals | XAUAUD | 9.0 | 0.01/30 | 100 Once | 10 AUD | AUD | 250 AUD | Refer to Trading Platform | 01:01-23:59 | 01:01-23:59 | 01:01-23:55 |
Spot Silver/US Dollar | Metals | XAGUSD | 7.0 | 0.01/30 | 5,000 Once | 50 USD | USD | 750 USD | Refer to Trading Platform | 01:01-23:59 | 01:01-23:59 | 01:01-23:55 |
Gold Futures (CFD) | Metals | GOLD_MMMYY | 6.7 | 0.01/30 | 100 Once | 10 USD | USD | 8000 USD | Refer to Trading Platform | 01:01-23:59 | 01:01-23:59 | 01:01-23:55 |
High Grade Copper Futures (CFD) | Metals | HG_MMMYY | 8.0 | 0.1/30 | 25,000 pounds | 25 USD | USD | 1:50 | Refer to Trading Platform | 01:01-23:59 | 01:01-23:59 | 01:01-23:55 |
US WTI Crude Oil Futures Contract (CFD) | Oil | USOIL.MMMYY | 8.0 | 0.1/30 | 1,000 Barrels | 10 USD | USD | 500 USD | Refer to Trading Platform | 01:01-23:59 | 01:01-23:59 | 01:01-23:55 |
UK BRENT Crude Oil Futures Contract (CFD) | Oil | UKOIL.MMMYY | 8.0 | 0.1/30 | 1,000 Barrels | 10 USD | USD | 500 USD | Refer to Trading Platform | 03:01-23:59 | 03:01-23:59 | 03:01-23:55 |
US Natural Gas Futures Contract (CFD) | Gas | NGAS.MMMYY | 13.0 | 0.1/30 | 10,000 mmBtu | 10 USD | USD | 1:50 | Refer to Trading Platform | 01:01-23:59 | 01:01-23:59 | 01:01-23:55 |
US WTI Crude Oil Spot Contract | Oil | WTI | 8.0 | 0.01/30 | 1,000 Barrels | 10 USD | USD | 500 USD | Refer to Trading Platform | 01:01-23:59 | 01:01-23:59 | 01:01-23:55 |
UK BRENT Crude Oil Spot Contract | Oil | BRENT | 8.0 | 0.01/30 | 1,000 Barrels | 10 USD | USD | 500 USD | Refer to Trading Platform | 03:01-23:59 | 03:01-23:59 | 03:01-23:55 |
FTSE China A50 Spot Index (CFD) | Indices | CHI50 | 8.0 | 0.01/30 | 10 | 10 USD | USD | 1:100 | Refer to Trading Platform | 03:01-10:30, 11:01-22:30 | 03:01-10:30, 11:01-22:30 | 03:01-10:30, 11:01-22:30 |
Hong Kong HS50 Spot Index (CFD) | Indices | HK50 | 8.0 | 0.01/30 | 50 | 50 HKD | HKD | 1:100 | Refer to Trading Platform | 03:16-06:00, 07:01-10:30, 11:16-20:59 | 03:16-06:00, 07:01-10:30, 11:16-20:59 | 03:16-06:00, 07:01-10:30, 11:16-20:59 |
Hong Kong China H-Shares Spot Index (CFD) | Indices | HKCH50 | 8.0 | 0.01/30 | 50 | 50 HKD | HKD | 1:100 | Refer to Trading Platform | 03:16-06:00, 07:01-10:30, 11:16-20:59 | 03:16-06:00, 07:01-10:30, 11:16-20:59 | 03:16-06:00, 07:01-10:30, 11:16-20:59 |
Australian S&P/ASX Spot Index (CFD) | Indices | AUS200 | 4.0 | 0.01/30 | 20 | 20 AUD | AUD | 1:100 | Refer to Trading Platform | 01:05-07:30, 08:11-22:59 | 01:05-07:30, 08:11-22:59 | 01:05-07:30, 08:11-22:59 |
Euro Stoxx 50 Spot Index (CFD) | Indices | EU50 | 2.5 | 0.01/30 | 30 | 30 EUR | EUR | 1:100 | Refer to Trading Platform | 09:01-22:59 | 09:01-22:59 | 09:01-22:59 |
Spain IBEX 35 Spot Index (CFD) | Indices | ESP35 | 6.0 | 0.01/30 | 10 | 10 EUR | EUR | 1:100 | Refer to Trading Platform | 10:01-20:59 | 10:01-20:59 | 10:01-20:59 |
French CAC 40 Spot Index (CFD) | Indices | FRA40 | 2.5 | 0.01/30 | 20 | 10 EUR | EUR | 1:100 | Refer to Trading Platform | 09:01-22:59 | 09:01-22:59 | 09:01-22:59 |
German 30 Spot Index (CFD) | Indices | GER30 | 3.5 | 0.01/30 | 10 | 10 EUR | EUR | 1:100 | Refer to Trading Platform | 03:05-23:15, 23:31-23:55 | 03:05-23:15, 23:31-23:55 | 03:05-23:15 |
Italy MIB 40 Spot Index (CFD) | Indices | IT40 | 10.0 | 0.01/30 | 10 | 10 EUR | EUR | 1:100 | Refer to Trading Platform | 10:01-18:39 | 10:01-18:39 | 10:01-18:39 |
Japan Nikkei 225 Spot Index (CFD) | Indices | JP225 | 8.0 | 0.01/30 | 10 | 10 USD | USD | 1:100 | Refer to Trading Platform | 01:05-23:55 | 01:05-23:55 | 01:05-23:55 |
UK FTSE 100 Spot Index (CFD) | Indices | UK100 | 3.0 | 0.01/30 | 10 | 10 GBP | GBP | 1:100 | Refer to Trading Platform | 03:05-23:15, 23:31-23:55 | 03:05-23:15, 23:31-23:55 | 03:05-23:00 |
US Dow Jones 30 Spot Index (CFD) | Indices | US30 | 3.8 | 0.01/30 | 10 | 10 USD | USD | 1:100 | Refer to Trading Platform | 01:05-23:55 | 01:05-23:55 | 01:05-23:55 |
US NASDAQ 100 Spot Index (CFD) | Indices | NAS100 | 2.5 | 0.01/30 | 20 | 10 USD | USD | 1:100 | Refer to Trading Platform | 01:05-23:55 | 01:05-23:55 | 01:05-23:55 |
US S&P 500 Spot Index (CFD) | Indices | SPX500 | 1.5 | 0.01/30 | 50 | 10 USD | USD | 1:100 | Refer to Trading Platform | 01:05-23:55 | 01:05-23:55 | 01:05-23:55 |
US Russell 2000 Spot Index (CFD) | Indices | US2000 | 1.0 | 0.01/30 | 50 | 10 USD | USD | 1:100 | Refer to Trading Platform | 01:05-23:55 | 01:05-23:55 | 01:05-23:55 |
US Dollar Futures Index (CFD) | Indices | USDX_MMMYY | 8.0 | 0.1/30 | 1,000 | 10 USD | USD | 1:50 | Refer to Trading Platform | 03:01-23:59 | 03:01-23:59 | 03:01-23:55 |
Bitcoin/US Dollar | Cryptocurrency | BTCUSD | 25.0 | 0.01/10 | 1 | 1 USD | USD | 1:10 | Refer to Trading Platform | 00:05-23:59 | 00:01-23:59 | 00:01-23:55 |
Ethereum/US Dollar | Cryptocurrency | ETHUSD | 4.0 | 0.1/10 | 1 | 1 USD | USD | 1:10 | Refer to Trading Platform | 00:05-23:59 | 00:01-23:59 | 00:01-23:55 |
Litecion/US Dollar | Cryptocurrency | LTCUSD | 4.0 | 0.1/10 | 1 | 1 USD | USD | 1:10 | Refer to Trading Platform | 00:05-23:59 | 00:01-23:59 | 00:01-23:55 |
Cardano vs US Dollar | Cryptocurrency | ADAUSD | 0.008 | 0.1/10 | 1,000 | 1 USD | USD | 1:10 | Refer to Trading Platform | 00:05-23:59 | 00:01-23:59 | 00:01-23:55 |
LINK vs US Dollar | Cryptocurrency | LNKUSD | 0.080 | 0.1/10 | 100 | 1 USD | USD | 1:10 | Refer to Trading Platform | 00:05-23:59 | 00:01-23:59 | 00:01-23:55 |
Bitcoin Cash vs US Dollar | Cryptocurrency | BCHUSD | 5.0 | 0.1/10 | 1 | 1 USD | USD | 1:10 | Refer to Trading Platform | 00:05-23:59 | 00:01-23:59 | 00:01-23:55 |
Binance Coin vs US Dollar | Cryptocurrency | BNBUSD | 5.0 | 0.1/10 | 1 | 1 USD | USD | 1:10 | Refer to Trading Platform | 00:05-23:59 | 00:01-23:59 | 00:01-23:55 |
Doge vs US Dollar | Cryptocurrency | DOGUSD | 0.005 | 0.1/10 | 1,000 | 1 USD | USD | 1:10 | Refer to Trading Platform | 00:05-23:59 | 00:01-23:59 | 00:01-23:55 |
Polkadot vs US Dollar | Cryptocurrency | DOTUSD | 0.100 | 0.1/10 | 100 | 1 USD | USD | 1:10 | Refer to Trading Platform | 00:05-23:59 | 00:01-23:59 | 00:01-23:55 |
Uniswap vs Dollar | Cryptocurrency | UNIUSD | 0.080 | 0.1/10 | 100 | 1 USD | USD | 1:10 | Refer to Trading Platform | 00:05-23:59 | 00:01-23:59 | 00:01-23:55 |
Stellar vs US Dollar | Cryptocurrency | XLMUSD | 0.005 | 0.1/10 | 1,000 | 1 USD | USD | 1:10 | Refer to Trading Platform | 00:05-23:59 | 00:01-23:59 | 00:01-23:55 |
Alcoa Corp(CFD) | US Shares | #AA | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
American Airlines Group(CFD) | US Shares | #AAL | 0.03 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Apple, Inc.(CFD) | US Shares | #AAPL | 0.08 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Airbnb Inc(CFD) | US Shares | #ABNB | 0.1 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Abbott Laboratories(CFD) | US Shares | #ABT | 0.08 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Adobe Systems Incorporated(CFD) | US Shares | #ADBE | 0.5 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
C3 Ai Inc(CFD) | US Shares | #AI | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
American International Group, Inc.(CFD) | US Shares | #AIG | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Akamai Technologies Inc(CFD) | US Shares | #AKAM | 0.08 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Allstate Corp(CFD) | US Shares | #ALL | 0.08 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
AMC Entertainment Holdings(CFD) | US Shares | #AMC | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |, Inc.(CFD) | US Shares | #AMZN | 1 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Abercrombie & Fitch Company(CFD) | US Shares | #ANF | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Autohome Inc ADR(CFD) | US Shares | #ATHM | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
American Express Company(CFD) | US Shares | #AXP | 0.08 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Boeing Company(CFD) | US Shares | #BA | 0.2 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Alibaba Group Holding Limited(CFD) | US Shares | #BABA | 0.1 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Bank of America Corporation(CFD) | US Shares | #BAC | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
BlackBerry Ltd(CFD) | US Shares | #BB | 0.03 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Best Buy Co(CFD) | US Shares | #BBY | 0.08 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Franklin Resources Inc(CFD) | US Shares | #BEN | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Baidu Inc(CFD) | US Shares | #BIDU | 0.2 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Biogen Inc(CFD) | US Shares | #BIIB | 0.25 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Bank of New York Mellon(CFD) | US Shares | #BK | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
BlackRock Inc(CFD) | US Shares | #BLK | 1 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company(CFD) | US Shares | #BMY | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Berkshire Hathaway B(CFD) | US Shares | #BRKb | 0.25 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Citigroup Inc(CFD) | US Shares | #C | 0.08 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Caterpillar Inc(CFD) | US Shares | #CAT | 0.15 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Colgate-Palmolive Company(CFD) | US Shares | #CL | 0.08 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Comcast Corp(CFD) | US Shares | #CMCSA | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Chipotle Mexican Grill Inc (CFD) | US Shares | #CMG | 2 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Coinbase Global Inc(CFD) | US Shares | #COIN | 0.25 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Compass Inc(CFD) | US Shares | #COMP | 0.04 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
ConocoPhillips(CFD) | US Shares | #COP | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Costco Wholesale Corporation(CFD) | US Shares | #COST | 0.4 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Coursera Inc(CFD) | US Shares | #COUR | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Coupang LLC(CFD) | US Shares | #CPNG | 0.03 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | Inc(CFD) | US Shares | #CRM | 0.18 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Cisco Systems, Inc.(CFD) | US Shares | #CSCO | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
CVS Health Corp(CFD) | US Shares | #CVS | 0.1 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Chevron Corporation (CFD) | US Shares | #CVX | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Delta Air Lines Inc(CFD) | US Shares | #DAL | 0.03 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
DoorDash Inc(CFD) | US Shares | #DASH | 0.15 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Dropbox Inc(CFD) | US Shares | #DBX | 0.03 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Discover Financial Services(CFD) | US Shares | #DFS | 0.1 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Walt Disney Company(CFD) | US Shares | #DIS | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Dollar Tree Inc (CFD) | US Shares | #DLTR | 0.08 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Doximity Inc (CFD) | US Shares | #DOCS | 0.08 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
DocuSign Inc(CFD) | US Shares | #DOCU | 0.2 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Duke Energy Corporation(CFD) | US Shares | #DUK | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
eBay Inc.(CFD) | US Shares | #EBAY | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Ford Motor Company(CFD) | US Shares | #F | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Facebook, Inc.(CFD) | US Shares | #FB | 0.18 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
FedEx Corporation(CFD) | US Shares | #FDX | 0.18 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Fastly Inc(CFD) | US Shares | #FSLY | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Godaddy Inc(CFD) | US Shares | #GDDY | 0.08 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
General Electrc Company(CFD) | US Shares | #GE | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Gilead Sciences Inc(CFD) | US Shares | #GILD | 0.08 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
General Motors Company(CFD) | US Shares | #GM | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Gamestop Corp(CFD) | US Shares | #GME | 0.15 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Google-Alphabet Inc Class C(CFD) | US Shares | #GOOG | 1 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (CFD) | US Shares | #GS | 0.15 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Halliburton Company(CFD) | US Shares | #HAL | 0.03 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Hayward Holdings Inc(CFD) | US Shares | #HAYW | 0.03 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Home Depot Inc(CFD) | US Shares | #HD | 0.15 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Hilton Worldwide Holdings Inc(CFD) | US Shares | #HLT | 0.1 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Harley-Davidson Inc(CFD) | US Shares | #HOG | 0.03 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Honeywell International Inc(CFD) | US Shares | #HON | 0.15 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Hewlett-Packard Company(CFD) | US Shares | #HPQ | 0.08 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
International Business Machines Corp(CFD) | US Shares | #IBM | 0.08 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Illumina Inc(CFD) | US Shares | #ILMN | 0.5 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Intel Corporation(CFD) | US Shares | #INTC | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |, Inc.(CFD) | US Shares | #JD | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Johnson & Johnson(CFD) | US Shares | #JNJ | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
JP Morgan Chase & Co.(CFD) | US Shares | #JPM | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Kraft Heinz Co(CFD) | US Shares | #KHC | 0.03 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Coca-Cola Company(CFD) | US Shares | #KO | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Loews Corp(CFD) | US Shares | #L | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Li Auto Inc(CFD) | US Shares | #LI | 0.03 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Eli Lilly and Company(CFD) | US Shares | #LLY | 0.18 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Lemonade Inc(CFD) | US Shares | #LMND | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Lockheed Martin Corporation(CFD) | US Shares | #LMT | 0.2 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Lufax Holding Ltd(CFD) | US Shares | #LU | 0.03 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Southwest Airlines Company(CFD) | US Shares | #LUV | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Las Vegas Sands Corp(CFD) | US Shares | #LVS | 0.03 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
LYFT Inc(CFD) | US Shares | #LYFT | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Mastercard, Inc.(CFD) | US Shares | #MA | 0.18 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Marriott International Inc(CFD) | US Shares | #MAR | 0.12 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
McDonald's Corporation(CFD) | US Shares | #MCD | 0.08 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Moodys Corporation(CFD) | US Shares | #MCO | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
MetLife Inc (CFD) | US Shares | #MET | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
MGM Resorts International(CFD) | US Shares | #MGM | 0.03 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
3M Company(CFD) | US Shares | #MMM | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Altria Group Inc(CFD) | US Shares | #MO | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Merck & Company Inc(CFD) | US Shares | #MRK | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Moderna Inc(CFD) | US Shares | #MRNA | 0.4 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Morgan Stanley(CFD) | US Shares | #MS | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Microsoft Corporation(CFD) | US Shares | #MSFT | 0.08 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Motorola Solutions Inc(CFD) | US Shares | #MSI | 0.18 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Netflix, Inc.(CFD) | US Shares | #NFLX | 0.3 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
NIO Inc(CFD) | US Shares | #NIO | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Nike Inc(CFD) | US Shares | #NKE | 0.08 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Nokia Corp ADR(CFD) | US Shares | #NOK | 0.03 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
NRG Energy Inc(CFD) | US Shares | #NRG | 0.03 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
NetEase, Inc.(CFD) | US Shares | #NTES | 0.25 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
NVIDIA Corporation(CFD) | US Shares | #NVDA | 0.08 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Universal Display(CFD) | US Shares | #OLED | 0.18 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Olo Inc(CFD) | US Shares | #OLO | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Omnicom Group Inc(CFD) | US Shares | #OMC | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Oracle Corporation(CFD) | US Shares | #ORCL | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
UIPath Inc(CFD) | US Shares | #PATH | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Petroleo Brasileiro Petrobras SA ADR(CFD) | US Shares | #PBR | 0.03 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Procore Technologies Inc(CFD) | US Shares | #PCOR | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Pinduoduo Inc.(CFD) | US Shares | #PDD | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
PepsiCo Inc(CFD) | US Shares | #PEP | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Pfizer Inc.(CFD) | US Shares | #PFE | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Procter & Gamble Company(CFD) | US Shares | #PG | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Philip Morris International Inc(CFD) | US Shares | #PM | 0.08 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
PNC Financial Services Group Inc(CFD) | US Shares | #PNC | 0.18 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Prudential Financial Inc(CFD) | US Shares | #PRU | 0.08 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
PayPal Holdings Inc(CFD) | US Shares | #PYPL | 0.25 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Qualcomm Inc.(CFD) | US Shares | #QCOM | 0.15 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Ferrari N.V.(CFD) | US Shares | #RACE | 0.08 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Roblox Corp(CFD) | US Shares | #RBLX | 0.08 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Starbucks Corporation(CFD) | US Shares | #SBUX | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Charles Schwab Corp (CFD) | US Shares | #SCHW | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Shake Shack Inc(CFD) | US Shares | #SHAK | 0.08 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Shopify Inc (CFD) | US Shares | #SHOP | 1.5 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Snap Inc(CFD) | US Shares | #SNAP | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Snowflake Inc(CFD) | US Shares | #SNOW | 0.25 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Sony Group Corp(CFD) | US Shares | #SONY | 0.08 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Square Inc(CFD) | US Shares | #SQ | 0.18 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Squarespace Inc (CFD) | US Shares | #SQSP | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
AT&T Inc.(CFD) | US Shares | #T | 0.1 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Target Corporation(CFD) | US Shares | #TGT | 0.25 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Tilray Inc(CFD) | US Shares | #TLRY | 0.03 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Toyota Motor Corporation ADR(CFD) | US Shares | #TM | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Tencent Music Entertainment Group(CFD) | US Shares | #TME | 0.03 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
T-Mobile US Inc (CFD) | US Shares | #TMUS | 0.1 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
TripAdvisor Inc(CFD) | US Shares | #TRIP | 0.03 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Tesla Motors, Inc.(CFD) | US Shares | #TSLA | 0.25 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing (CFD) | US Shares | #TSM | 0.08 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Tyson Foods Inc (CFD) | US Shares | #TSN | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Twilio Inc (CFD) | US Shares | #TWLO | 0.3 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Unity Technologies(CFD) | US Shares | #U | 0.12 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
United Airlines Holdings Inc(CFD) | US Shares | #UAL | 0.03 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Uber Technologies Inc.(CFD) | US Shares | #UBER | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
UGI Corporation(CFD) | US Shares | #UGI | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
United Parcel Service Inc(CFD) | US Shares | #UPS | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Visa, Inc.(CFD) | US Shares | #V | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Vale SA ADR(CFD) | US Shares | #VALE | 0.03 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Vipshop Holdings Limited(CFD) | US Shares | #VIPS | 0.03 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
VeriSign Inc (CFD) | US Shares | #VRSN | 0.2 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Verizon Communications Inc(CFD) | US Shares | #VZ | 0.03 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Wayfair Inc(CFD) | US Shares | #W | 0.25 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Weibo Corporation(CFD) | US Shares | #WB | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Walgreens Boots Alliance Inc(CFD) | US Shares | #WBA | 0.5 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Workday Inc(CFD) | US Shares | #WDAY | 0.25 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Wells Fargo & Company(CFD) | US Shares | #WFC | 0.03 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Walmart Inc(CFD) | US Shares | #WMT | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Wynn Resorts Limited (CFD) | US Shares | #WYNN | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Exxon Mobil Corporation(CFD) | US Shares | #XOM | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Xpeng Inc ADR(CFD) | US Shares | #XPEV | 0.03 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Yelp Inc(CFD) | US Shares | #YELP | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Yum! Brands Inc(CFD) | US Shares | #YUM | 0.08 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Zoom Video Communications Inc(CFD) | US Shares | #ZM | 0.2 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Adidas AG(CFD) | German Shares | #ADS | 0.3 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01EUR | EUR | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 10:03-18:29 | 10:03-18:29 | 10:03-18:29 |
Allianz AG(CFD) | German Shares | #ALV | 0.3 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01EUR | EUR | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 10:03-18:29 | 10:03-18:29 | 10:03-18:29 |
BASF SE(CFD) | German Shares | #BAS | 0.3 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01EUR | EUR | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 10:03-18:29 | 10:03-18:29 | 10:03-18:29 |
Bayer AG(CFD) | German Shares | #BAYN | 0.2 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01EUR | EUR | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 10:03-18:29 | 10:03-18:29 | 10:03-18:29 |
Beiersdorf(CFD) | German Shares | #BEI | 0.5 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01EUR | EUR | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 10:03-18:29 | 10:03-18:29 | 10:03-18:29 |
Bayerische Motoren Werke AG(CFD) | German Shares | #BMW | 0.2 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01EUR | EUR | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 10:03-18:29 | 10:03-18:29 | 10:03-18:29 |
Commerzbank AG(CFD) | German Shares | #CBK | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01EUR | EUR | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 10:03-18:29 | 10:03-18:29 | 10:03-18:29 |
Daimler AG(CFD) | German Shares | #DAI | 0.15 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01EUR | EUR | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 10:03-18:29 | 10:03-18:29 | 10:03-18:29 |
Deutsche Boerse AG(CFD) | German Shares | #DB1 | 0.5 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01EUR | EUR | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 10:03-18:29 | 10:03-18:29 | 10:03-18:29 |
Deutsche Bank AG(CFD) | German Shares | #DBK | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01EUR | EUR | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 10:03-18:29 | 10:03-18:29 | 10:03-18:29 |
Deutsche Post(CFD) | German Shares | #DPW | 0.1 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01EUR | EUR | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 10:03-18:29 | 10:03-18:29 | 10:03-18:29 |
Deutsche Telekom(CFD) | German Shares | #DTE | 0.1 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01EUR | EUR | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 10:03-18:29 | 10:03-18:29 | 10:03-18:29 |
E.On AG(CFD) | German Shares | #EON | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01EUR | EUR | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 10:03-18:29 | 10:03-18:29 | 10:03-18:29 |
Fresenius Medical Care(CFD) | German Shares | #FME | 0.3 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01EUR | EUR | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 10:03-18:29 | 10:03-18:29 | 10:03-18:29 |
Infineon Technologies AG(CFD) | German Shares | #IFX | 0.1 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01EUR | EUR | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 10:03-18:29 | 10:03-18:29 | 10:03-18:29 |
Deutsche Lufthansa AG(CFD) | German Shares | #LHA | 0.08 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01EUR | EUR | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 10:03-18:29 | 10:03-18:29 | 10:03-18:29 |
Muenchener Rueckversicherungs(CFD) | German Shares | #MUV2 | 0.8 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01EUR | EUR | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 10:03-18:29 | 10:03-18:29 | 10:03-18:29 |
RWE AG(CFD) | German Shares | #RWE | 0.1 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01EUR | EUR | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 10:03-18:29 | 10:03-18:29 | 10:03-18:29 |
SAP SE(CFD) | German Shares | #SAP | 0.5 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01EUR | EUR | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 10:03-18:29 | 10:03-18:29 | 10:03-18:29 |
Siemens AG(CFD) | German Shares | #SIE | 0.2 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01EUR | EUR | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 10:03-18:29 | 10:03-18:29 | 10:03-18:29 |
Volkswagen AG(CFD) | German Shares | #VOW | 0.3 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01EUR | EUR | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 10:03-18:29 | 10:03-18:29 | 10:03-18:29 |
Airbus Group SE(CFD) | France Shares | #AIR | 0.08 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01EUR | EUR | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 10:03-18:29 | 10:03-18:29 | 10:03-18:29 |
Air Liquide SA(CFD) | France Shares | #AIRP | 0.08 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01EUR | EUR | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 10:03-18:29 | 10:03-18:29 | 10:03-18:29 |
AXA SA(CFD) | France Shares | #AXAF | 0.03 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01EUR | EUR | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 10:03-18:29 | 10:03-18:29 | 10:03-18:29 |
BNP Paribas SA(CFD) | France Shares | #BNPP | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01EUR | EUR | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 10:03-18:29 | 10:03-18:29 | 10:03-18:29 |
Bouygues SA(CFD) | France Shares | #BOUY | 0.03 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01EUR | EUR | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 10:03-18:29 | 10:03-18:29 | 10:03-18:29 |
Danone SA(CFD) | France Shares | #DANO | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01EUR | EUR | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 10:03-18:29 | 10:03-18:29 | 10:03-18:29 |
Hermes International SCA(CFD) | France Shares | #HRMS | 0.8 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01EUR | EUR | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 10:03-18:29 | 10:03-18:29 | 10:03-18:29 |
LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SE(CFD) | France Shares | #LVMH | 0.5 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01EUR | EUR | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 10:03-18:29 | 10:03-18:29 | 10:03-18:29 |
Michelin SCA(CFD) | France Shares | #MICP | 0.1 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01EUR | EUR | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 10:03-18:29 | 10:03-18:29 | 10:03-18:29 |
L’Oreal SA(CFD) | France Shares | #OREP | 0.3 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01EUR | EUR | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 10:03-18:29 | 10:03-18:29 | 10:03-18:29 |
Total Energies SE (CFD) | France Shares | #TTEF | 0.03 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01EUR | EUR | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 10:03-18:29 | 10:03-18:29 | 10:03-18:29 |
CK Hutchison Holdings(CFD) | Hong Kong Shares | #HK0001 | 0.08 | Jan-50 | 100 share | 1HKD | HKD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 |
CLP Holdings Ltd(CFD) | Hong Kong Shares | #HK0002 | 0.08 | Jan-50 | 100 share | 1HKD | HKD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 |
HSBC Holdings(CFD) | Hong Kong Shares | #HK0005 | 0.05 | Jan-50 | 100 share | 1HKD | HKD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 |
Hang Seng Bank Ltd(CFD) | Hong Kong Shares | #HK0011 | 0.15 | Jan-50 | 100 share | 1HKD | HKD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 |
Henderson Land Development(CFD) | Hong Kong Shares | #HK0012 | 0.05 | Jan-50 | 100 share | 1HKD | HKD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 |
Sun Hung Kai Properties(CFD) | Hong Kong Shares | #HK0016 | 0.15 | Jan-50 | 100 share | 1HKD | HKD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 |
New World Development(CFD) | Hong Kong Shares | #HK0017 | 0.05 | Jan-50 | 100 share | 1HKD | HKD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 |
Swire Pacific Ltd(CFD) | Hong Kong Shares | #HK0019 | 0.08 | Jan-50 | 100 share | 1HKD | HKD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 |
MTR Corp(CFD) | Hong Kong Shares | #HK0066 | 0.05 | Jan-50 | 100 share | 1HKD | HKD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 |
Tsingtao Brewery CO Ltd(CFD) | Hong Kong Shares | #HK0168 | 0.08 | Jan-50 | 100 share | 1HKD | HKD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 |
Geely Automobile Holdings(CFD) | Hong Kong Shares | #HK0175 | 0.05 | Jan-50 | 100 share | 1HKD | HKD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 |
Ali Heath(CFD) | Hong Kong Shares | #HK0241 | 0.05 | Jan-50 | 100 share | 1HKD | HKD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 |
China Resources Beer Holdings(CFD) | Hong Kong Shares | #HK0291 | 0.08 | Jan-50 | 100 share | 1HKD | HKD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 |
Cathay Pacific Airways(CFD) | Hong Kong Shares | #HK0293 | 0.05 | Jan-50 | 100 share | 1HKD | HKD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 |
Tingyi HLDG Co(CFD) | Hong Kong Shares | #HK0322 | 0.05 | Jan-50 | 100 share | 1HKD | HKD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 |
Hong Kong Exchanges and Clear(CFD) | Hong Kong Shares | #HK0388 | 0.5 | Jan-50 | 100 share | 1HKD | HKD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 |
Beijing Enterprise Holdings(CFD) | Hong Kong Shares | #HK0392 | 0.05 | Jan-50 | 100 share | 1HKD | HKD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 |
Dongfeng Motor GRP Co(CFD) | Hong Kong Shares | #HK0489 | 0.05 | Jan-50 | 100 share | 1HKD | HKD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 |
Fosun International(CFD) | Hong Kong Shares | #HK0656 | 0.05 | Jan-50 | 100 share | 1HKD | HKD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 |
China Overseas Land & Trust(CFD) | Hong Kong Shares | #HK0688 | 0.05 | Jan-50 | 100 share | 1HKD | HKD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 |
Tencent Holdings Ltd(CFD) | Hong Kong Shares | #HK0700 | 0.6 | Jan-50 | 100 share | 1HKD | HKD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 |
ZTE Corp(CFD) | Hong Kong Shares | #HK0763 | 0.05 | Jan-50 | 100 share | 1HKD | HKD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 |
China Literature Ltd.(CFD) | Hong Kong Shares | #HK0772 | 0.08 | Jan-50 | 100 share | 1HKD | HKD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 |
Shimao Property Holdings Ltd(CFD) | Hong Kong Shares | #HK0813 | 0.05 | Jan-50 | 100 share | 1HKD | HKD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 |
Xinyi Glass Holdings Ltd(CFD) | Hong Kong Shares | #HK0868 | 0.05 | Jan-50 | 100 share | 1HKD | HKD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 |
Zhongsheng Group Holdings(CFD) | Hong Kong Shares | #HK0881 | 0.05 | Jan-50 | 100 share | 1HKD | HKD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 |
Anhui Conch Cement Co Ltd(CFD) | Hong Kong Shares | #HK0914 | 0.05 | Jan-50 | 100 share | 1HKD | HKD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 |
China Construction Bank(CFD) | Hong Kong Shares | #HK0939 | 0.04 | Jan-50 | 100 share | 1HKD | HKD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 |
Kuaishou Technology(CFD) | Hong Kong Shares | #HK1024 | 0.4 | Jan-50 | 100 share | 1HKD | HKD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 |
Hengan Intl Group Co Ltd(CFD) | Hong Kong Shares | #HK1044 | 0.08 | Jan-50 | 100 share | 1HKD | HKD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 |
China Shenhua Energy Co(CFD) | Hong Kong Shares | #HK1088 | 0.05 | Jan-50 | 100 share | 1HKD | HKD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 |
China Resources Land Ltd(CFD) | Hong Kong Shares | #HK1109 | 0.05 | Jan-50 | 100 share | 1HKD | HKD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 |
AIA Group(CFD) | Hong Kong Shares | #HK1299 | 0.15 | Jan-50 | 100 share | 1HKD | HKD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 |
ICBC(CFD) | Hong Kong Shares | #HK1398 | 0.04 | Jan-50 | 100 share | 1HKD | HKD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 |
Postal Savings Bank of China(CFD) | Hong Kong Shares | #HK1658 | 0.04 | Jan-50 | 100 share | 1HKD | HKD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 |
Xiaomi Corp(CFD) | Hong Kong Shares | #HK1810 | 0.08 | Jan-50 | 100 share | 1HKD | HKD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 |
SUNAC China Holdings Ltd.(CFD) | Hong Kong Shares | #HK1918 | 0.05 | Jan-50 | 100 share | 1HKD | HKD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 |
Chow Tai Fook(CFD) | Hong Kong Shares | #HK1929 | 0.04 | Jan-50 | 100 share | 1HKD | HKD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 |
ANTA Sports Products Ltd.(CFD) | Hong Kong Shares | #HK2020 | 0.04 | Jan-50 | 100 share | 1HKD | HKD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 |
Ping An Insurance Group(CFD) | Hong Kong Shares | #HK2318 | 0.15 | Jan-50 | 100 share | 1HKD | HKD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 |
BOC Hong Kong Holdings(CFD) | Hong Kong Shares | #HK2388 | 0.05 | Jan-50 | 100 share | 1HKD | HKD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 |
China Life Insurance(CFD) | Hong Kong Shares | #HK2628 | 0.04 | Jan-50 | 100 share | 1HKD | HKD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 |
China CSI 300 Index ETF(CFD) | Hong Kong Shares | #HK3188 | 0.1 | Jan-50 | 100 share | 1HKD | HKD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 |
Bank of Communications(CFD) | Hong Kong Shares | #HK3328 | 0.04 | Jan-50 | 100 share | 1HKD | HKD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 |
China Evergrande Group(CFD) | Hong Kong Shares | #HK3333 | 0.05 | Jan-50 | 100 share | 1HKD | HKD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 |
Hai Di Lao(CFD) | Hong Kong Shares | #HK6862 | 0.1 | Jan-50 | 100 share | 1HKD | HKD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | | Hong Kong Shares | #HK9618 | 0.5 | Jan-50 | 100 share | 1HKD | HKD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 |
NongFu Spring(CFD) | Hong Kong Shares | #HK9633 | 0.08 | Jan-50 | 100 share | 1HKD | HKD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 |
Alibaba Group Holding Ltd (CFD) | Hong Kong Shares | #HK9988 | 0.38 | Jan-50 | 100 share | 1HKD | HKD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 | 03:35-06:00, 07:01-09:55 |
Global X MSCI Argentina ETF(CFD) | US ETFs | #ETF-ARGT | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Xtrackers Harvest CSI 300 China A-Shares ETF(CFD) | US ETFs | #ETF-ASHR | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
iShares MSCI Emerging Markets ETF(CFD) | US ETFs | #ETF-EEM | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
iShares MSCI EAFE Index ETF(CFD) | US ETFs | #ETF-EFA | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
iShares MSCI Indonesia ETF(CFD) | US ETFs | #ETF-EIDO | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
iShares MSCI Peru ETF(CFD) | US ETFs | #ETF-EPU | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
iShares MSCI Taiwan ETF(CFD) | US ETFs | #ETF-EWT | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
iShares MSCI Mexico ETF(CFD) | US ETFs | #ETF-EWW | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
iShares MSCI Brazil ETF(CFD) | US ETFs | #ETF-EWZ | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
iShares MSCI South Africa ETF(CFD) | US ETFs | #ETF-EZA | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
VanEck Vectors Gold Miners ETF(CFD) | US ETFs | #ETF-GDX | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
SPDR Gold Trust ETF(CFD) | US ETFs | #ETF-GLD | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
SPDR S&P China ETF(CFD) | US ETFs | #ETF-GXC | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
iShares Latin America 40 ETF(CFD) | US ETFs | #ETF-ILF | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
iShares MSCI Saudi Arabia ETF(CFD) | US ETFs | #ETF-KSA | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
iShares MSCI India Small Cap ETF(CFD) | US ETFs | #ETF-SMIN | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
United States Oil Fund ETF(CFD) | US ETFs | #ETF-USO | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
VanEck Vietnam ETF(CFD) | US ETFs | #ETF-VNM | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Vanguard Total Stock Market Index ETF(CFD) | US ETFs | #ETF-VTI | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
Vanguard Growth Index Fund ETF(CFD) | US ETFs | #ETF-VUG | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
SPDR Energy Select Sector Fund ETF(CFD) | US ETFs | #ETF-XLE | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
SPDR Financial Select Sector Fund ETF(CFD) | US ETFs | #ETF-XLF | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
SPDR Technology Select Sector ETF(CFD) | US ETFs | #ETF-XLK | 0.05 | 10/500 | 1 share | 0.01USD | USD | 5%(1:20) | Refer to Trading Platform | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 | 16:33-22:59 |
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También hemos establecido una excelente estructura de atención al cliente; podrá chatear en línea o por teléfono con nuestro equipo de representantes del cliente. Puede contactar con ellos durante las horas punta de trading para responder cualquier consulta que pueda tener.
A continuación, encontrará información adicional sobre su cuenta de trading y nuestros servicios.
El horario de trading o negociación es de 00:01 a 22:59. La zona horaria de la plataforma de trading se establece en GMT + 2 (hora media de Greenwich) o GMT + 3 para el horario de verano.
Las horas de transacción para metales preciosos, petróleo crudo e índices es diferente. Consulte las especificaciones del producto para obtener detalles sobre las horas de transacción.
Cuando el nivel de margen es igual o inferior al 30 %, se produce un stop out.
En la plataforma, el interés se aplicará a las posiciones abiertas a las 00:00. Para obtener detalles sobre los intereses, consulte las especificaciones en Observación de mercado.
Los spreads se cobran solo cuando una posición se abre con éxito y varían con los spreads cotizados por los proveedores de liquidez.
El requisito de margen para las posiciones cubiertas es el 30 % del importe total del margen.
Elija la dirección del servidor ATFXGM: ATFXGM1.
Ofrecemos un tipo de ejecución a mercado STP.
Todas las órdenes de mercado se emitirán al mercado y se ejecutarán a un precio negociable ofrecido por el mercado. Una vez ejecutadas las órdenes, la información de la transacción se enviará a la plataforma MT4 del inversor. El precio de ejecución de las órdenes de mercado suele estar influenciado por los siguientes factores:
Si la liquidez de los bancos es suficiente.
Si ha cambiado el precio de mercado; lo que puede suceder rápidamente.
Si la plataforma MT4 emite la instrucción de transacción al servidor MT4 de la empresa.
Hay cuatro tipos de órdenes pendientes:
Stop loss y take profit cerrarán las órdenes pendientes.
Todas las órdenes están vinculadas a las instrucciones de la empresa en el servidor. Cuando el precio de mercado alcanza el precio de las órdenes pendientes, la orden pendiente se activará, negociará y ejecutará como una orden de mercado. Sin embargo, bajo ninguna circunstancia se puede garantizar que las órdenes pendientes se ejecuten al precio original establecido.
Simplemente, complete el formulario de solicitud de cuenta real de trading. Una vez que hayamos verificado su identidad, configuraremos su cuenta.
Deposite fondos desde una tarjeta de débito o crédito, monedero virtual o E-Wallet, o transferencia bancaria para comenzar a operar.
Opere desde cualquier dispositivo: su ordenador, dispositivo Android, iPad, iPhone o directamente a través de la web.
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