क्लासिक ट्रेडिंग अकाउंट विशिष्टताएँ

हमारा क्लासिक अकाउंट हमारे ऑफर किए जाने वाले सबसे लोकप्रिय अकाउंटों में से एक है। क्लासिक एंट्री लेवल अकाउंट है जो हर लेवल के अनुभव वाले ट्रेडरों के लिए उपयुक्त है।

ATFX क्लासिक अकाउंट

क्लासिक अकाउंट ओपन करने के लिए अपेक्षित प्रारंभिक बैलेंस $1,000 है। सरलता और स्पष्टता सहित यह अनेक सुविधाएँ ऑफर करता है जिन्हें आप अधिक परिष्कृत अकाउंटों से जोड़ सकते हैं। आपकी सुरक्षा और मन की शांति के लिए आपके फंडों का अलग-अलग होना भी हम सुनिश्चित करते हैं।

ATFX क्लासिक अकाउंट में इनके सहित अनेक विशेषताएं हैं:

  • 1.8 से प्रतिस्पर्धी स्प्रेड
  • 1:400 तक लीवरेज
  • लॉट साइज़ रेंज 0.01 से है
  • कोई कमीशन नहीं लिया गया
  • एक-क्लिक ट्रेडिंग और चार्ट से ट्रेडिंग की अनुमति
  • असीमित एक साथ ओपन ऑर्डर
  • अधिकतम ट्रेड लॉट 20
  • ATFX ट्रेडिंग अकादमी तक एक्‍सेस
  • यूजलैटर्स और विश्लेषण एक्‍सेस
  • फंडों का पृथक्करण
  • ट्रेडिंग सिग्नल सर्विस

CFD (अंतर के लिए अनुबंध) ट्रेड करने पर, पोजीशन क्‍लोज होने तक आप उस प्‍वाईंट से ट्रेड ओपन कर मूल्य में अंतर खरीदते हैं। अपने क्लासिक अकाउंट से, आप CFD ट्रेड कर हमारे माइक्रो अकाउंट के मुकाबले अधिक प्रतिस्पर्धी मूल्य निर्धारण का अनुभव कर सकते हैं।

NameMarketProductMinimum SpreadsLots Size (Min/Max)Contract SizePip Value/LotCurrencyLeverage (Margin)SwapsSession Starts* (Mon.)Session Closes* (Fri.)Trading Break* (Mon.-Fri.)
Euro/US DollarForex MajorsEURUSD1.80.01/30100,000 EUR10 USDN/A250 USDRefer to Trading Platform0:0523:5500:00 - 00:01
US Dollar/Japanese YenForex MajorsUSDJPY20.01/30100,000 USD1000 JPYN/A250 USDRefer to Trading Platform0:0523:5500:00 - 00:01
Great British Pound/US DollarForex MajorsGBPUSD20.01/30100,000 GBP10 USDN/A250 USDRefer to Trading Platform0:0523:5500:00 - 00:01
US Dollar/Swiss FrancForex MajorsUSDCHF2.20.01/30100,000 USD10 CHFN/A250 USDRefer to Trading Platform0:0523:5500:00 - 00:01
Australian Dollar/US DollarForex MajorsAUDUSD2.50.01/30100,000 AUD10 USDN/A250 USDRefer to Trading Platform0:0523:5500:00 - 00:01
New Zealand Dollar/US DollarForex MajorsNZDUSD2.50.01/30100,000 NZD10 USDN/A250 USDRefer to Trading Platform0:0523:5500:00 - 00:01
US Dollar/Canadian DollarForex MajorsUSDCAD2.50.01/30100,000 USD10 CADN/A250 USDRefer to Trading Platform0:0523:5500:00 - 00:01
Australian Dollar/Canadian DollarForex MinorsAUDCAD30.01/30100,000 AUD10 CADN/A250 USDRefer to Trading Platform0:0523:5500:00 - 00:01
Australian Dollar/Swiss FrancForex MinorsAUDCHF30.01/30100,000 AUD10 CHFN/A250 USDRefer to Trading Platform0:0523:5500:00 - 00:01
Australian Dollar/Japanese YenForex MinorsAUDJPY30.01/30100,000 AUD1000 JPYN/A250 USDRefer to Trading Platform0:0523:5500:00 - 00:01
Australian Dollar/New Zealand DollarForex MinorsAUDNZD30.01/30100,000 AUD10 NZDN/A250 USDRefer to Trading Platform0:0523:5500:00 - 00:01
Canadian Dollar/Swiss FrancForex MinorsCADCHF3.20.01/30100,000 CAD10 CHFN/A250 USDRefer to Trading Platform0:0523:5500:00 - 00:01
Canadian Dollar/Japanese YenForex MinorsCADJPY3.20.01/30100,000 CAD1000 JPYN/A250 USDRefer to Trading Platform0:0523:5500:00 - 00:01
Swiss Franc/Japanese YenForex MinorsCHFJPY3.20.01/30100,000 CHF1000 JPYN/A250 USDRefer to Trading Platform0:0523:5500:00 - 00:01
Euro/Australian DollarForex MinorsEURAUD3.30.01/30100,000 EUR10 AUDN/A250 USDRefer to Trading Platform0:0523:5500:00 - 00:01
Euro/Canadian DollarForex MinorsEURCAD3.30.01/30100,000 EUR10 CADN/A250 USDRefer to Trading Platform0:0523:5500:00 - 00:01
Euro/Swiss FrancForex MinorsEURCHF3.20.01/30100,000 EUR10 CHFN/A250 USDRefer to Trading Platform0:0523:5500:00 - 00:01
Euro/Great British PoundForex MinorsEURGBP30.01/30100,000 EUR10 GBPN/A250 USDRefer to Trading Platform0:0523:5500:00 - 00:01
Euro/Japanese YenForex MinorsEURJPY3.20.01/30100,000 EUR1000 JPYN/A250 USDRefer to Trading Platform0:0523:5500:00 - 00:01
Euro/New Zealand DollarForex MinorsEURNZD3.50.01/30100,000 EUR10 NZDN/A250 USDRefer to Trading Platform0:0523:5500:00 - 00:01
Great British Pound/Australian DollarForex MinorsGBPAUD3.50.01/30100,000 GBP10 AUDN/A250 USDRefer to Trading Platform0:0523:5500:00 - 00:01
Great British Pound/Canadian DollarForex MinorsGBPCAD3.80.01/30100,000 GBP10 CADN/A250 USDRefer to Trading Platform0:0523:5500:00 - 00:01
Great British Pound/Swiss FrancForex MinorsGBPCHF3.50.01/30100,000 GBP10 CHFN/A250 USDRefer to Trading Platform0:0523:5500:00 - 00:01
Great British Pound/Japanese YenForex MinorsGBPJPY3.50.01/30100,000 GBP1000 JPYN/A250 USDRefer to Trading Platform0:0523:5500:00 - 00:01
Great British Pound/New Zealand DollarForex MinorsGBPNZD3.80.01/30100,000 GBP10 NZDN/A250 USDRefer to Trading Platform0:0523:5500:00 - 00:01
New Zealand Dollar/Canadian DollarForex MinorsNZDCAD30.01/30100,000 NZD10 CADN/A250 USDRefer to Trading Platform0:0523:5500:00 - 00:01
New Zealand Dollar/Swiss FrancForex MinorsNZDCHF3.20.01/30100,000 NZD10 CHFN/A250 USDRefer to Trading Platform0:0523:5500:00 - 00:01
New Zealand Dollar/Japanese YenForex MinorsNZDJPY30.01/30100,000 NZD1000 JPYN/A250 USDRefer to Trading Platform0:0523:5500:00 - 00:01
Euro/Hungarian ForintForex ExoticsEURHUF180.01/30100,000 EUR1000 HUFN/A2000 EURRefer to Trading Platform0:0523:5523:59 - 00:01
Euro/Polish ZlotyForex ExoticsEURPLN250.01/30100,000 EUR10 PLNN/A2000 EURRefer to Trading Platform0:0523:5523:59 - 00:01
Euro/Turkish LiraForex ExoticsEURTRY400.01/30100,000 EUR10 TRYN/A2000 USDRefer to Trading Platform0:0523:5523:59 - 00:01
US Dollar/Chinese Offshore YuanForex ExoticsUSDCNH200.01/30100,000 USD10 CNHN/A2000 USDRefer to Trading Platform0:0523:5523:59 - 00:01
US Dollar/Hong Kong DollarForex ExoticsUSDHKD200.01/30100,000 USD10 HKDN/A2000 USDRefer to Trading Platform0:0523:5523:59 - 00:01
US Dollar/Singapore DollarForex ExoticsUSDSGD200.01/30100,000 USD10 SGDN/A2000 USDRefer to Trading Platform0:0523:5523:59 - 00:01
US Dollar/Czech KorunaForex ExoticsUSDCZK2000.01/30100,000 USD1000 CZKN/A2000 USDRefer to Trading Platform0:0523:5523:59 - 00:01
US Dollar/Danish KroneForex ExoticsUSDDKK180.01/30100,000 USD10 DKKN/A2000 USDRefer to Trading Platform0:0523:5523:59 - 00:01
US Dollar/Hungarian ForintForex ExoticsUSDHUF150.01/30100,000 USD1000 HUFN/A2000 USDRefer to Trading Platform0:0523:5523:59 - 00:01
US Dollar/Mexican PesoForex ExoticsUSDMXN500.01/30100,000 USD10 MXNN/A2000 USDRefer to Trading Platform0:0523:5523:59 - 00:01
US Dollar/Norwegian KroneForex ExoticsUSDNOK350.01/30100,000 USD10 NOKN/A2000 USDRefer to Trading Platform0:0523:5523:59 - 00:01
US Dollar/Polish ZlotyForex ExoticsUSDPLN150.01/30100,000 USD10 PLNN/A2000 USDRefer to Trading Platform0:0523:5523:59 - 00:01
US Dollar/Russian RubleForex ExoticsUSDRUB3000.01/30100,000 USD10 RUBN/A2000 USDRefer to Trading Platform9:0122:2922:29 - 09:01
US Dollar/Turkish LiraForex ExoticsUSDTRY200.01/30100,000 USD10 TRYN/A2000 USDRefer to Trading Platform0:0523:5523:59 - 00:01
US Dollar/Swedish KroneForex ExoticsUSDSEK230.01/30100,000 USD10 SEKN/A2000 USDRefer to Trading Platform0:0523:5523:59 - 00:01
US Dollar/South Africa RandForex ExoticsUSDZAR310.01/30100,000 USD10 ZARN/A2000 USDRefer to Trading Platform0:0523:5523:59 - 00:01
Spot Gold/US DollarMetalsXAUUSD50.01/30100 Once10 USDUSD250 USDRefer to Trading Platform1:0123:5500:00 - 01:01
Spot Silver/US DollarMetalsXAGUSD60.01/305,000 Once50 USDUSD750 USDRefer to Trading Platform1:0123:5500:00 - 01:01
Gold Futures Contract (CFD)MetalsGOLD_MMMYY5.70.01/30100 Once10 USDUSD8000 USDRefer to Trading Platform1:0523:5500:00 - 01:05
US WTI Crude Oil Futures Contract (CFD)OilUSOIL.MMMYY60.1/301,000 Barrels10 USDUSD500 USDRefer to Trading Platform1:0123:5500:00 - 01:01
UK BRENT Crude Oil Futures Contract (CFD)OilUKOIL.MMMYY60.1/301,000 Barrels10 USDUSD500 USDRefer to Trading Platform3:0123:5500:00 - 03:01
US Natural Gas Futures Contract (CFD)GasNGAS.MMMYY110.1/3010,000 mmBtu10 USDUSD1:50Refer to Trading Platform1:0123:5500:00 - 01:01
FTSE China A50 Spot Index (CFD)IndicesCHI5080.01/301010 USDUSD1:100Refer to Trading Platform3:0122:0010:30 - 11:00, 22:30 - 03:01
Hong Kong HSI Spot Index (CFD)IndicesHK5080.01/305050 HKDHKD1:100Refer to Trading Platform3:1620:5906:00 - 07:00, 10:30 - 11:15, 20:59 - 03:16
Hong Kong China H-Shares Spot Index (CFD)IndicesHKCH5080.01/305050 HKDHKD1:100Refer to Trading Platform3:1620:5906:00 - 07:00, 10:30 - 11:15, 20:59 - 03:16
Australian S&P/ASX Spot Index (CFD)IndicesAUS20040.01/302020 AUDAUD1:100Refer to Trading Platform1:0522:5907:30 - 08:10, 23:00 - 01:05
Euro Stoxx 50 Spot Index (CFD)IndicesEU502.50.01/303030 EUREUR1:100Refer to Trading Platform9:0122:5923:00 - 09:01
Spain IBEX 35 Spot Index (CFD)IndicesESP3560.01/301010 EUREUR1:100Refer to Trading Platform10:0121:0021:00 - 10:01
French CAC 40 Spot Index (CFD)IndicesFRA402.50.01/302010 EUREUR1:100Refer to Trading Platform9:0122:5923:00 - 09:01
German 30 Spot Index (CFD)IndicesGER303.50.01/301010 EUREUR1:100Refer to Trading Platform9:0122:5923:00 - 09:01
Italy MIB 40 Spot Index (CFD)IndicesIT40100.01/301010 EUREUR1:100Refer to Trading Platform10:0118:4018:40 - 10:01
Japan Nikkei 225 Spot Index (CFD)IndicesJP22580.01/301010 USDUSD1:100Refer to Trading Platform1:0522:5923:00 - 01:05
UK FTSE 100 Spot Index (CFD)IndicesUK10030.01/301010 GBPGBP1:100Refer to Trading Platform3:0122:5923:00 - 03:01
US Dow Jones 30 Spot Index (CFD)IndicesUS303.80.01/301010 USDUSD1:100Refer to Trading Platform1:0522:5923:15 - 01:05
US NASDAQ 100 Spot Index (CFD)IndicesNAS1002.50.01/302010 USDUSD1:100Refer to Trading Platform1:0522:5923:15 - 01:05
US S&P 500 Spot Index (CFD)IndicesSPX5001.50.01/305010 USDUSD1:100Refer to Trading Platform1:0522:5923:15 - 01:05
US Dollar Futures Index (CFD)IndicesUSDX_MMMYY60.1/301,00010 USDUSD1:50Refer to Trading Platform3:0123:5500:00 - 03:01
Bitcoin/US DollarCryptoBTCUSD500.1/1011 USDUSD1:5Refer to Trading Platform0:0523:5500:00 - 00:01
Bitcoin Cash/US DollarCryptoBCHUSD60.1/1011 USDUSD1:5Refer to Trading Platform0:0523:5500:00 - 00:01
Ethereum/US DollarCryptoETHUSD60.1/1011 USDUSD1:5Refer to Trading Platform0:0523:5500:00 - 00:01
Litecion/US DollarCryptoLTCUSD50.1/1011 USDUSD1:5Refer to Trading Platform0:0523:5500:00 - 00:01
Apple, Inc. (CFD)US Shares#AAPL0.410/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:5922:59 - 16:33
American International Group, Inc. (CFD)US Shares#AIG0.1510/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:5922:59 - 16:33
Amazon.com, Inc. (CFD)US Shares#AMZN1.510/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:5922:59 - 16:33
American Express Company (CFD)US Shares#AXP0.210/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:5922:59 - 16:33
Boeing Company (CFD)US Shares#BA0.510/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:5922:59 - 16:33
Alibaba Group Holding Limited (CFD)US Shares#BABA0.310/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:5922:59 - 16:33
Bank of America Corporation (CFD)US Shares#BAC0.0510/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:5922:59 - 16:33
Citigroup Inc (CFD)US Shares#C0.1510/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:5922:59 - 16:33
Cisco Systems, Inc. (CFD)US Shares#CSCO0.110/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:5922:59 - 16:33
Chevron Corporationť (CFD)US Shares#CVX0.210/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:5922:59 - 16:33
eBay Inc. (CFD)US Shares#EBAY0.0810/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:5922:59 - 16:33
Ford Motor Company (CFD)US Shares#F0.0510/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:2922:59 - 16:33
Facebook, Inc. (CFD)US Shares#FB0.410/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:5922:59 - 16:33
FedEx Corporation (CFD)US Shares#FDX0.410/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:5922:59 - 16:33
General Electrc Company (CFD)US Shares#GE0.0510/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:5922:59 - 16:33
General Motors Company (CFD)US Shares#GM0.110/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:5922:59 - 16:33
Google-Alphabet Inc Class C (CFD)US Shares#GOOG1.210/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:5922:59 - 16:33
Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.ť (CFD)US Shares#GS0.310/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:5922:59 - 16:33
Hewlett-Packard Company (CFD)US Shares#HPQ0.0810/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:5922:59 - 16:33
International Business Machines Corp (CFD)US Shares#IBM0.210/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:5922:59 - 16:33
Intel Corporation (CFD)US Shares#INTC0.110/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:5922:59 - 16:33
Johnson & Johnson (CFD)US Shares#JNJ0.1510/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:5922:59 - 16:33
JP Morgan Chase & Co. (CFD)US Shares#JPM0.110/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:5922:59 - 16:33
Coca-Cola Company (CFD)US Shares#KO0.110/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:5922:59 - 16:33
Mastercard, Inc. (CFD)US Shares#MA0.410/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:5922:59 - 16:33
McDonald's Corporation (CFD)US Shares#MCD0.210/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:5922:59 - 16:33
Microsoft Corporation (CFD)US Shares#MSFT0.110/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:2922:59 - 16:33
Netflix, Inc. (CFD)US Shares#NFLX0.510/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:5922:59 - 16:33
Oracle Corporation (CFD)US Shares#ORCL0.110/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:5922:59 - 16:33
Pfizer Inc. (CFD)US Shares#PFE0.110/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:5922:59 - 16:33
Procter & Gamble Company (CFD)US Shares#PG0.110/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:5922:59 - 16:33
Qualcomm Inc. (CFD)US Shares#QCOM0.1510/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:5922:59 - 16:33
Ferrari N.V. (CFD)US Shares#RACE0.310/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:5922:59 - 16:33
AT&T Inc. (CFD)US Shares#T0.110/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:2922:59 - 16:33
Tesla Motors, Inc. (CFD)US Shares#TSLA0.510/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:5922:59 - 16:33
Twitter, Inc. (CFD)US Shares#TWTR0.0810/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:5922:59 - 16:33
Uber Technologies Inc. (CFD)US Shares#UBER0.210/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:5922:59 - 16:33
Visa, Inc. (CFD)US Shares#V0.210/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:5922:59 - 16:33
Exxon Mobil Corporation (CFD)US Shares#XOM0.210/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:5922:59 - 16:33
Baidu Inc (CFD)US Shares#BIDU0.510/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:5922:59 - 16:33
China Telecom Corp Ltd (CFD)US Shares#CHA0.2510/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:2922:59 - 16:33
China Mobile Limited ADR (CFD)US Shares#CHL0.2510/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:5922:59 - 16:33
JD.com, Inc. (CFD)US Shares#JD0.1510/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:5922:59 - 16:33
NetEase, Inc. (CFD)US Shares#NTES0.810/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:5922:59 - 16:33
PetroChina Company Limited (CFD)US Shares#PTR0.2510/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:5922:59 - 16:33
SINOPEC Shangai Petrochemical Company, Ltd(CFD)US Shares#SHI0.1810/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:5922:59 - 16:33
Sina Corporation (CFD)US Shares#SINA0.210/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:5922:59 - 16:33
China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation (CFD)US Shares#SNP0.310/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:2922:59 - 16:33
Weibo Corporation (CFD)US Shares#WB0.210/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:5922:59 - 16:33
Caterpillar Incť(CFD)US Shares#CAT0.2510/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:5922:59 - 16:33
Colgate-Palmolive Company (CFD)US Shares#CL0.1210/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:5922:59 - 16:33
Walt Disney Company (CFD)US Shares#DIS0.0810/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:2922:59 - 16:33
Lockheed Martin Corporation (CFD)US Shares#LMT0.510/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:5922:59 - 16:33
Nike Inc (CFD)US Shares#NKE0.0810/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:5922:59 - 16:33
3M Company (CFD)US Shares#MMM0.310/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:5922:59 - 16:33
Bilibili Inc. (CFD)US Shares#BILI0.1810/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:5922:59 - 16:33
Pinduoduo Inc. (CFD)US Shares#PDD0.2810/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:5922:59 - 16:33
Adobe Systems Incorporated(CFD)US Shares#ADBE0.510/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:5922:59 - 16:33
Costco Wholesale Corporation(CFD)US Shares#COST0.4510/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:5922:59 - 16:33
Home Depot Inc(CFD)US Shares#HD0.3510/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:5922:59 - 16:33
Honeywell International Inc(CFD)US Shares#HON0.310/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:2922:59 - 16:33
Merck & Company Inc(CFD)US Shares#MRK0.1810/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:5922:59 - 16:33
Moodys Corporation(CFD)US Shares#MCO0.310/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:5922:59 - 16:33
NVIDIA Corporation(CFD)US Shares#NVDA0.4510/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:5922:59 - 16:33
PepsiCo Inc(CFD)US Shares#PEP0.310/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:2922:59 - 16:33
Starbucks Corporation(CFD)US Shares#SBUX0.1810/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:5922:59 - 16:33
Toyota Motor Corporation ADR(CFD)US Shares#TM0.310/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:5922:59 - 16:33
United Parcel Service Inc(CFD)US Shares#UPS0.2810/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:5922:59 - 16:33
Walmart Inc(CFD)US Shares#WMT0.2810/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:5922:59 - 16:33
Zoom Video Communications Inc(CFD)US Shares#ZM0.3510/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:5922:59 - 16:33
Adobe Systems Incorporated(CFD)US Shares#ADBE0.510/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:5922:59 - 16:33
Costco Wholesale Corporation(CFD)US Shares#COST0.4510/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:5922:59 - 16:33
Home Depot Inc(CFD)US Shares#HD0.3510/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:5922:59 - 16:33
Honeywell International Inc(CFD)US Shares#HON0.310/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:2922:59 - 16:33
Merck & Company Inc(CFD)US Shares#MRK0.1810/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:5922:59 - 16:33
Moodys Corporation(CFD)US Shares#MCO0.310/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:5922:59 - 16:33
NVIDIA Corporation(CFD)US Shares#NVDA0.4510/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:5922:59 - 16:33
PepsiCo Inc(CFD)US Shares#PEP0.310/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:2922:59 - 16:33
Starbucks Corporation(CFD)US Shares#SBUX0.1810/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:5922:59 - 16:33
Toyota Motor Corporation ADR(CFD)US Shares#TM0.310/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:5922:59 - 16:33
United Parcel Service Inc(CFD)US Shares#UPS0.2810/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:5922:59 - 16:33
Walmart Inc(CFD)US Shares#WMT0.2810/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:5922:59 - 16:33
Zoom Video Communications Inc(CFD)US Shares#ZM0.3510/5001 share0.1 USDUSD1:20Refer to Trading Platform16:3322:5922:59 - 16:33
Adidas AG (CFD)German Shares#ADS0.310/5001 share0.1 EUREUR1:20Refer to Trading Platform10:0318:2918:29 - 10:03
Allianz AG (CFD)German Shares#ALV0.310/5001 share0.1 EUREUR1:20Refer to Trading Platform10:0318:2918:29 - 10:03
Bayer AG (CFD)German Shares#BAYN0.210/5001 share0.1 EUREUR1:20Refer to Trading Platform10:0318:2918:29 - 10:03
Bayerische Motoren Werke AG (CFD)German Shares#BMW0.210/5001 share0.1 EUREUR1:20Refer to Trading Platform10:0318:2918:29 - 10:03
Commerzbank AG (CFD)German Shares#CBK0.0510/5001 share0.1 EUREUR1:20Refer to Trading Platform10:0318:2918:29 - 10:03
Daimler AG (CFD)German Shares#DAI0.1510/5001 share0.1 EUREUR1:20Refer to Trading Platform10:0318:2918:29 - 10:03
Deutsche Bank AG (CFD)German Shares#DBK0.0510/5001 share0.1 EUREUR1:20Refer to Trading Platform10:0318:2918:29 - 10:03
Deutsche Post (CFD)German Shares#DPW0.110/5001 share0.1 EUREUR1:20Refer to Trading Platform10:0318:2918:29 - 10:03
E.On AG (CFD)German Shares#EON0.0510/5001 share0.1 EUREUR1:20Refer to Trading Platform10:0318:2918:29 - 10:03
Deutsche LufthansaťAG (CFD)German Shares#LHA0.0810/5001 share0.1 EUREUR1:20Refer to Trading Platform10:0318:2918:29 - 10:03
Siemens AG (CFD)German Shares#SIE0.210/5001 share0.1 EUREUR1:20Refer to Trading Platform10:0318:2918:29 - 10:03
Volkswagen AG (CFD)German Shares#VOW0.310/5001 share0.1 EUREUR1:20Refer to Trading Platform10:0318:2918:29 - 10:03
BASF SE (CFD)German Shares#BAS0.310/5001 share0.1 EUREUR1:20Refer to Trading Platform10:0318:2918:29 - 10:03
Beiersdorf (CFD)German Shares#BEI0.510/5001 share0.1 EUREUR1:20Refer to Trading Platform10:0318:2918:29 - 10:03
Deutsche Boerse AG (CFD)German Shares#DB10.610/5001 share0.1 EUREUR1:20Refer to Trading Platform10:0318:2918:29 - 10:03
Deutsche Telekom (CFD)German Shares#DTE0.110/5001 share0.1 EUREUR1:20Refer to Trading Platform10:0318:2918:29 - 10:03
Fresenius Medical Care (CFD)German Shares#FME0.310/5001 share0.1 EUREUR1:20Refer to Trading Platform10:0318:2918:29 - 10:03
Infineon Technologies AG (CFD)German Shares#IFX0.110/5001 share0.1 EUREUR1:20Refer to Trading Platform10:0318:2918:29 - 10:03
Linde (CFD)German Shares#LIN0.610/5001 share0.1 EUREUR1:20Refer to Trading Platform10:0318:2918:29 - 10:03
Muenchener Rueckversicherungs (CFD)German Shares#MUV20.810/5001 share0.1 EUREUR1:20Refer to Trading Platform10:0318:2918:29 - 10:03
RWE AG (CFD)German Shares#RWE0.110/5001 share0.1 EUREUR1:20Refer to Trading Platform10:0318:2918:29 - 10:03
SAP SE (CFD)German Shares#SAP0.510/5001 share0.1 EUREUR1:20Refer to Trading Platform10:0318:2918:29 - 10:03
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