ATFX is a trustful broker which provide a lot of good webinar and analytic tools.
ATFX 因客户的认可和信任而不断进步。查看我们的客户评论,了解 ATFX 成为世界一流经纪商的原因。
ATFX is a trustful broker which provide a lot of good webinar and analytic tools.
ATFX is reputable and scandal-free, with a seasoned market presence indicating its legitimacy. Beware of cloned websites posing as trusted brokers like ATFX.
ATFX is very user-friendly and provides a good set of analytic tools.
Yea they don’t have a mt5 that’s sad. but they are still excellent regardless the mt5! Keep up the good job ATFX!
The spreads are competitive and I really love the support in education and advice, they help me grow my knowledge more. Recommend 100% ATFX.
ATFX is a Forex Broker offering Forex Trading services via MetaTrader 4, MT4 Mobile and Web trading platforms. Regarding orders execution model, ATFX is an a-book broker (STP). ATFX offers trading of currencies, indices, cryptocurrencies, shares, CFDs and commodities. ATFX is regulated by the FCA (UK).
I prefer ATFX as they offer a wide range of products and advise better than anyone and best of all with excellent service.
I would like to recommend ATFX, the support is efficient, the withdrawals fast, without a doubt their rewards support them.
I have loved ATFX, it is reliable and they have a good customer service that keeps in touch with you in case of any doubt, withdrawals are secure.
Great webinars, I gained quite some methods for analysis and trading.
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ATFX 是由多家公司共同使用的业务品牌,包括:
AT Global Markets (UK) Ltd. 获英国金融行为监管局 (FCA) 授权并受其监管,FCA 许可证号码为 760555。注册地址是:1st Floor, 32 Cornhill, London EC3V 3SG, United Kingdom。
AT Global Markets (Australia) Pty Ltd 获澳大利亚证券与投资委员会授权并受其监管,AFSL许可证号码为418036。注册地址是:Tower 2 Darling Park, Level 16, 201 Sussex Street, Sydney NSW 2000.
AT Global Markets SA (Pty) Ltd 在南非获得金融部门行为监管局颁发的许可证,FSP 许可证号为 44816,也是一家获得许可的场外衍生品提供商。注册办公地址:1020 Manhattan Place, 130 Bree Street Cape Town, 8001.
ATFX Global Markets (CY) Ltd. 获塞浦路斯证券交易委员会 (CySEC) 授权并受其监管,许可证号码为 285/15。注册地址是:159 Leontiou A’Street, Maryvonne Building Office 204, 3022, Limassol, Cyprus。
AT Global Markets Intl. Ltd. 获毛里求斯共和国的金融服务委员会 (FSC) 授权并受其监管,许可证号码为 C118023331。注册地址是:G08, Ground Floor, The Catalyst, Silicon Avenue, 40 Cybercity, 72201 Ebène, Republic of Mauritius。
AT Global Markets (SC) Limited 获得塞舌尔金融服务管理局颁发的证券交易商牌照,许可证号码为 SD093。 注册地址是:Suite 3, Global Village, Jivan’s Complex, Mont Fleuri, Mahe, Seychelles。
ATFX MENA FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC 受阿拉伯联合酋长国证券与商品管理局(SCA)监管,许可证号为 20200000078。
EMERGING MARKETS 受约旦证券委员会(JSC)监管,其代理经纪商许可证号为 643,是约旦哈希姆王国的受监管公司。
ATFX 是 AT Global Markets INTL Ltd 的运营商商标,该公司位于毛里求斯 FSC 注册的公司,在迪拜哈姆王国的所有服务均通过其代理新兴市场提供。
AT Global Markets LLC 是一家位于St. Vincent and the Grenadines的有限责任公司,公司编号为 333 LLC 2020。注册办公地址:Euro House, Richmond Hill Road, Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
高风险投资警告:交易外汇合约和差价合约具有很高的风险,可能不适合所有投资者。您可能会完全损失投资的资本,请不要用您无法承受损失的资本进行投资。在购买我们的产品时,您没有任何对基础资产的权利或资格。AT Global Markets (Australia) Pty Ltd(AFSL:418036)仅提供一般性建议——所提供的信息不考虑您的财务目标、情况或需求。我们建议在决定投资之前寻求个人财务建议。产品披露声明和金融服务指南可根据要求提供,并将发送给所有活跃账户申请人——在购买、持有或处置我们的产品或服务之前应对其进行审查。我们的目标市场确定也可从此处获取。
受限地区:AT Global Markets (Australia) Pty Ltd 不向某些国家的居民提供服务,包括但不限于加拿大、日本、朝鲜民主主义人民共和国(朝鲜)、伊朗和美利坚合众国(美国),或任何违反我们的TMD、当地法律或法规的国家或司法管辖区内的任何人。
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